Work In Progress/Process

Please see process and documentation below.

Focusing on the construction of self in relation to physical labour and the creation of a self-made space.

‘Female art students often approach artmaking with a personality structure conditioned by an unwillingness to push themselves beyond their limits; a lack of familiarity with tools and artmaking processes; an inability to see themselves as working people; and a general lack of assertiveness and ambition’

Womanhouse Catalog Essay By Judy Chicago and Miriam Schapiro, CO-directors, The Feminist Art Program

We recorded the entire process of our making and presented our ‘room’ alongside this documentation. Initially, with working with a traditionally masculine trade we hoped to merge/abolish the stereotyped binaries of “Men” and “Women’s” work. This was later abolished.

Film Clip

we explored topics of gendered work and how this relates to our collective and independent identities. sound recordings of our process is especially imperative to this approach.

Film and image captured from discussion
Film with Audio Overlay

Through building, we navigated the dynamics between ourselves as a group and how that can be conveyed through an expression of space.

‘By breaking its form, de la Cruz breaks convention, quite literally, by mangling the stretcher and piercing the flat edifice of the canvas to unleash it into three-dimensional space.’

About Angela de la Cruz, The Lisson Gallery,

We particularly responded to the deconstructed elements of her work and the subversion of typical associations of painting and sculpture. The re-forming and subversion of the traditional format of painting and sculpture mirror the -at this time- collective’s deconstruction of traditional spaces. They are destroyed to be rebuilt to facilitate a true ownership over space.

We used previously material: audio documentation, textual transcripts and experimental fabric to situate our structure within the context of its own creation.

Film Clip

Audio 1
Audio of Discussion
Audio 2
Audio of Discussion

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